Your Daily Dose

Friday, February 18, 2011

You Complete Me

Cops and robbers, David and Goliath, yin and yang, Luke and Anakin Skywalker, Satan and God. Heroes and villains is a battle that goes back to the very beginning. Although we aren't given many details we do have some information of Satan falling from Heaven.  Satan, the greatest angel, was so proud that he thought he could dethrone God and take that position himself.  At some point, God cast him out of heaven to be the god of the Earth for a short time. God needs nothing to exist and doesn't need to to prove His existance. However, Satan, without God is nothing. What is evil without rules to break? What is crime with no law? What is bad without good?

His presence here is impossible to ignore and you cannot miss his influence when you turn on the nightly news.  Yet, the presence and influence of God here seems to go either unknown or ignored. It is actually fairly easy to miss unless you are looking for it. Evolutionists have been doing it for centuries. The same data, the same facts, the same evidence can be used to demonstrate your own belief and agenda.  Realistically, the only difference is the lens you choose to view the world through.  I choose to view our world through the Bible because I'm not willing to believe that this is all chance. I'm not willing to believe that our lives don't amount to anything after our last breath. That choice can be difficult at times, no doubt.  I guess I'd rather believe it even though I can't see it with my eyes. That, after all, is exactly what the author of Hebrews encourages us with.

When it is so easy to see the powers of this dark world, the enemy killing, destroying and stealing, why can it be so difficult to see our Redeemer giving us the abundant life He promises?  Again, the secret is revealed through His Word. Seek Him, you WILL find Him. It can be frustrating because the more intently we search the heart and will of God, the more diligently Satan wants to take our faith, to convince us that God will not, or can not, help us.

There is a continual lesson throughout the Bible; God gives us the tools we need but we must have the faith to use them and the knowledge of how to use them. My pastor likes to say that if God wanted us to have difficulties and troubles in our lives, He wouldn't have told us how to get rid of them. But, because He did, we can be assured that the Blood of Christ and the Armor of God is all that we need to live the abundant, blessed life that is available to those willing to reach for it. So, with all of the tools in our possession and all of the knowledge we need at our fingertips there seems to be just a couple of questions. How do you seek God? How do you equip yourself with God's full armor?

1 comment:

  1. "It can be frustrating because the more intently we search the heart and will of God, the more diligently Satan wants to take our faith, to convince us that God will not, or can not, help us."

    This is what I struggle with daily....trying to learn more and have more ammo so I will rid Satan out of my life! This is another awesome blog Dan! Keep it up.
